Monday, 8 October 2012

UCL Computer Science Outreach with Generating Genius - August 2011

I organised a week-long outreach programme with Generating Genius, which took place from 15-19 August 2011. I was initially worried that it may have to be postponed (or cancelled) due to the spread of the England riots between 6 and 10 August 2011. Luckily, the investment of time and effort by Generating Genius meant that non of their kids were involved. It serves to highlight the need for more investment in the future of our kids. You can find out more about the outreach programme from the UCL's press release in the link below:

London teens learn about the latest virtual reality technology in UCL Computer Science’s state-of-the-art Virtual Environment lab.

CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) is an immersive virtual reality environment where projectors are directed to four walls of a room-sized cube.
Here, I explain how the CAVE works to the young students.
Young students are experiencing a virtual conflict scenario.

Another group of students also experiencing the virtual conflict scenario.

One of the Lego robots the students worked on controlling with using Google Android phones via bluetooth.

Judges at the prize winning ceremony at the end of the week-long programme. Judges are from Google and includes Prof. Finkelstein (Faculty Dean).

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